Matches All Screen Size

Gambar 54. Multibisnisindo (MBI) an example for the design of mobile websites through testing.

Mobile optimization

is a process to ensure that visitors are accessing your site from mobile devices has experience optimized for the device.
What Mobile Optimization?

Every year people spend more time on their mobile devices and tablets, but many sites still are not designed to take into account different screen sizes and load times. Mobile optimization look at the site design, site structure, the speed of the page, and more to ensure you do not accidentally change the mobile visitors away.
Mobile SEO Best Practices

When your site is well optimized for search engines, there are only a few additional things you need to consider when optimizing for mobile.
page speed

Because the hardware and connectivity issues, page speed even more important for mobile users than desktop users. Exterior optimize the image, you'll want to shrink the code, utilizing the browser cache, and reduce diversion. Further information about the speed of the page can be found on our SEO Best Practices for page Page Speed.
Do not block CSS, JavaScript, or images

On the masses, some mobile devices can not support all of these elements, so the webmaster of mobile site is blocked or third. But for the most part it is no longer true, and Smartphone Googlebot want to be able to see and categorize the same content a user is doing. So do not hide it. These elements are also important to help Google understand if you have a responsive site or different mobile solutions.

Multibisnisindo (MBI) an example for the design of mobile websites through testing.


Mobile devices that simplify and revolutionize the way the site is designed. "Above the fold" no longer has any meaning in a world where we scroll endlessly

Plugin may not be available in your users' phones, which means they will miss all the fun. If you want to create special effects, using HTML5 instead.

It can be difficult and frustrating to try and cover this on a mobile device. This can lead to high bounce rates.
Design for fat finger

touch screen navigation can lead to accidental clicks if your buttons are too big, too small, or in the path of trying to get his fingers to scroll the page.
Optimize the title and meta description

Remember that you are working with less screen space when the user is using a mobile device. To show off your best work in the SERPs, be as concise as possible (without sacrificing the quality of information) when creating title, URL and meta description.
Using structured data

Because of the limited screen space, the search results with rich snippets are even more likely to stand out from the desktop. Read more about structured data.

If your business has local elements, remember to optimize your mobile content for local search. This includes the standardization of name, address, and telephone number and include your city and state name in the metadata of your site. More information about the local SEO can be found here.

Perhaps the most important decision to be made when creating a website is to decide whether you want to use responsive, dynamic services, or configuration of separate websites. Each has advantages and disadvantages. Google prefers to design responsive but support all three options as long as you have set them up correctly.

responsive web design

Responsive site designed using CSS3 media queries to serve the same content for mobile and desktop users using a fluid and flexible grid design to automatically adjust the screen size.

Responsive design using media queries to target layout based on screen width, orientation, and resolution. For example, you could use the following CSS to instruct the browser how to display content to display 420 or fewer pixels wide?
responsive design allows you to have a variety of media questions so that users on small screens of mobile phones, the phone screen is larger than average, and even tablet can all see a site that appears to be designed for their device.

Use an emulator such as Responsive Web Design Testing to verify that your responsive design looks the way you want.
dynamic presentation

If you do not have the resources to redesign the complete site or want to display different content for mobile visitors than you do for the desktop, one solution is to use a single URL to display different sets of HTML and CSS depending on what type of device your visitors use (also referred detect the user agent). This can be useful, for example, if you are a restaurant who wants to mobile visitors (who may be wandering around your neighborhood) to see examples of the reviews and maps to your location and not your complete site.

Displaying different content based on user agent called dynamic service and it is done by using the Vary HTTP header, which looks like this.
Dynamic serving is not a perfect compromise that may seem. For one, it relies on having the most current list of user agents, which means that every time a new mobile devices come to market that need to be updated list. And it's not uncommon for desktop and mobile devices for one served with HTML for other devices. Read more about common pitfalls.

Another option is to create a, second parallel site for mobile users. It allows you to create a completely custom content for mobile visitors. To avoid confusion URL, largely parallel mobile site using the "m" subdomain.

parallel mobile site can be as perfect as sites serving dynamic send the visitor to the appropriate version, so be sure to make it easy for visitors who end up in the wrong place to click for the experience to their liking.

You will also want to make sure that your site redirects all in place and compact as possible to reduce the speed of the page. And to avoid duplicate content issues, you should set rel = "canonical".

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28 Maret 2016

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